Nominees Sought for 2010/2011 Executive Committee

SierraScape June - July 2009
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by Jim Nyberg
Executive Committee

Executive Committee (ExCom) members meet once per month to supervise Eastern Missouri Group (EMG) administration and activities. This includes appointing and supporting committees, acting on recommendations from the conservation and political committees, establishing the budget, authorizing and supporting participation in public events and policy issues, supporting fund-raising, overseeing office administration, and responding to whatever other needs arise. ExCom members make a valuable contribution to the success of the Sierra Club.

There are seven voting members in the EMG ExCom, elected for terms of two years. Three candidates will be elected for 2010/2011.

Sierra Club members interested in serving on the EMG ExCom are encouraged to contact any member of the Nominating Committee: Mike Bollinger at 636-938-6594 or Jim Nyberg at 314-725-0767.

Sierra Club members may also become a candidate by submitting a petition signed by at least fifteen members. Petitions must be received by the Nominating Committee by Friday, August 3.