Outings Leader Workshop Will Be Conducted January 31 at Powder Valley Nature Center

SierraScape December 2009 - January 2010
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by Suzanne Smith
Outings Committee Chair

If you like to plan outings or need a hiking buddy then this leader workshop is for you.

Learn the requirements needed by the National Sierra Club on how to lead safe, fun outings. By leading you never need to walk or camp alone. You might even get new travel friends.


**Existing leaders:

You need to keep up with re-certification so this is your opportunity.

Outings leader workshop group Please, please attend so we can all be on the same re-certify schedule.

I am trying to find a qualified first aid or C.P.R. instructor for the day so anyone who knows where to get that person please let me know. We might have to settle for first aid since C.P.R. is more hands on.

This very important event will be held on Sunday, January 31 at Powder Valley Nature Center near Geyer Road and I-44/270 intersection from 8:45am - 3:30p.m.

Cost will be approximately $8.00 - $12.00.

Registration is limited to 35 participants. Contact Suzanne Smith 618-281-4762 or preferably e-mail thisissuzanne@yahoo.com.

Thanks and see you there!