So Many Feathers: Bird Watching Without Binoculars

SierraScape February - March 2010
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Joint Program with Audubon, March 25, 7:30 p.m.

This hour-long documentary showcases a host of birds found throughout North America and right here in Missouri. All of it produced by Steve Maslowski, second-generation documentary film-maker and cameramen for the Amazing Birds of America production.

Join us for the prairie chicken "dance" and a golden eagle in flight. Watch a barn owl feed her young and a hawk pursue its prey through dense trees. Singing, courting, nesting, soaring—its all captured here. Just in time for warmer weather and the start of spring migration. Bring a friend and expect to be inspired to rekindle your own bird-watching at home and around town.

This program continues a successful tradition of partnership between St. Louis Audubon and the Eastern Missouri Group of the Sierra Club. That means you will have twice the people to meet and twice the opportunities to discover. The evening is open to all, members or not.

The Dennis & Judith Jones Visitor Center, at 5595 Grand Drive, is just east of the Missouri History Museum at Lindell and DeBaliviere and easily accessed via the Forest Park MetroLink stop. The program will be held in the Learning Lab. Questions, call Mitch Leachman at (314) 599-7390.