Special Member Awards for 2009

SierraScape April - May 2010
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by Mike Bollinger
Executive Committee Chair
photos courtesy of Leslie Lihou

It has long been an EMG tradition to annually honor a few of our own, for exceptional service to the Club. Nominations are open to all members, but the final decisions are left to the Executive Committee and for 2009 we selected three recipients. So at the January General meeting, I had the opportunity to present engraved plaques to the honorees. In years past, the presenters have typically held everyone in suspense as they described the individual and/or their noteworthy accomplishments (while members guessed who was being described). But this year I decided to just call each one forward, so they could fully enjoy their award and savor the appreciation of those in attendance.

Del Johnson
Del Johnson

Or at least that was my plan. Unfortunately, our first recipient, Del Johnson found himself in the hospital during our January meeting. I tried to contact him "live – by cell phone" but that didn't work out. But alas and more importantly, Del recovered quickly and was able to receive his recognition in person at the February General meeting. We honored Del – a guy some know only as a curious old timer, who frequently wanders around at out General meetings with a goofy green hat and noisemaker as an Outstanding Sierran. We presented him with an award, as the green bowler he wears (to stand out in a crowd as he welcomes new members) is just one of the many hats worn by Del in his service to the Club. His more significant accomplishments include two terms as EMG ExCom Chair, years of hosting the Newsletter mailing parties, a stint as the Political Action Committee chair, and most recently his efforts to lead the planning and implementation of the 2009 Missouri Chapter Reunion and Campout, ensuring that it was a great success – in fact one of the best attended such events, ever!

Wayne Miller
Wayne Miller

Our actual first awardee at the January General meeting was Wayne Miller, who we honored as an Outstanding Sierran, as well. Those who know about Club Outings, the hikes, floats and service trips that are listed in each SierraScape, know that each of these Club sponsored events are lead by Outings Leaders and Wayne exemplifies the best in outings leadership. For many years he led outings - always with a reputation for being well researched and professionally and enthusiastically carried out. And for several years he served as Chair of the EMG Outings Committee. Unfortunately, health challenges in the last few years have robbed Wayne (and the rest of the EMG membership as a result) of his ability to continue to lead us on memorable hikes and other outings. Nonetheless, the ExCom felt it was important to honor Wayne for his many years of outstanding service.

Becky Denney
Becky Denney

Our second recipient at the January General meeting and the third of our awardees for 2009 was Becky Denney. Those who know Becky know that she's frequently charging along non-stop, at times in what seems like many different directions. But with some reflection, you begin to understand that this is her normal mode of operation, it reflects her tremendous energy, enthusiasm, and commitment to the Sierra Club. She just never stops, first thinking about what needs to be done and then following up to make it happen. She's served as the Cool Cities Mobilizer, "first assistant to the Chair" of the Energy Committee, the "go-to girl" making calls, sending emails, and tabling events far and near, plus duties as EMG's Conservation Committee Chair – a role she filled a few years ago and recently took on again. And this is in addition to her roles at the Chapter level. To reflect her unique approach and to target her predominate focus we created a special one of a kind award for Becky, as Energetic Sierran.

Next time you encounter one of these three, please add your personal congratulations as a follow up to the rousing applause each received at the January and February General meetings. And start thinking about whom you might want to nominate for a 2010 award!