Protect Missouri State Parks

SierraScape March 2016 - August 2016
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by James Petersen
Sierra Club Intern

Missouri's state parks embody the American tradition of preserving public lands for the benefit and use of all. Our parks receive around 18 million visitors annually and produce over 1 billion dollars in revenue.

Missourians cherish their state parks. Not only are they loved and used to their fullest, they also generate enormous revenue. Why, then, would we not welcome the possibility of another park, particularly along one of our state's most scenic rivers? The Eleven Point River has been designated a National Wild and Scenic River.

Missouri House Bill 2187 and Senate Bill 1011 would prevent the Department of Natural Resources from creating a new park on the Eleven Point River. The funds for the new park come from a settlement with the ASARCO settlement for decades lead pollution. While most of the settlement money is to be used on remediation of damaged sites, part of it is to be used to acquire undamaged land and preserve them for our future.

A new state park on the Eleven Point River would have a positive economic benefit, and ensure the preservation of this pristine landscape for generations. Contact your legislator today and tell them to support state parks! Vote NO on HB 2187 and SB 1011!