Can the Land and Water Conservation Fund Save a County Park?

SierraScape April - August 2017
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St. Louis County has unfortunately approved the construction of an ice skating rink and large parking lot on 40 acres of Creve Coeur Lake Memorial park. This rink project is a public private partnership. The St. Louis Blues hockey team would practice there, with the facility otherwise open to the public.

For those of us familiar with Creve Coeur Lake Memorial Park we know how popular the park and its lake are, despite the encroaching highways and other development that has degraded it over the years. This 40 acre complex will further mar the park experience, contribute to noise, traffic, pollution and loss of open space.

In addition, the park is low lying and prone to areas of flooding and soil saturation. This massive facility will only aggravate that situation.

Despite the County's backing, there is one option left to try to stop this debacle. A portion of Creve Coeur Lake Memorial park, including these 40 acres, was originally purchased through Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) monies. Park land thus purchased needs to be devoted to outdoor recreation. The National Park Service has jurisdiction over enforcing this aspect of the LWCF.

The Sierra Club and other conservation groups have appealed this issue. At this writing we are waiting an environmental review and determination.

Can Congress Save the Land and Water Conservation Fund?

Since 1965 the LWCF has provided states and local entities funds to purchase and preserve lands for open space and recreation. LWCF funds come from a portion of oil and gas royalties. The law was up for reauthorization in 2015, but since then Congress has only granted a year to year extension. Congressional allies are working toward a more secure future for the LWCF. House Bill 502 introduced this year would do just that. We thank Representative Lacy Clay for supporting this bill. But Representative Ann Wagner has not yet done so. If you are in Congressional District 2, Representative Wagner needs to hear from you. Call or email her and tell her to support permanent reauthorization of the LWCF by supporting HB 502.

Rep. Ann Wagner: Washington DC office, 202-225-1621; Ballwin office, 636-779-5449.