Join the Sierra Club at Earth Day Two Day Festival

SierraScape April - August 2017
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This year St. Louis Earth Day will cover two days, April 22 and 23. Location is same as last year, Muny Grounds, Forest Park. You can join us by helping with our lemonade sales, volunteering at our information booth, or just stopping by either as you visit the fair.

No experience needed. Making and selling homemade lemonade is easy and fun. Volunteering at the information booth does not require any special knowledge. We will have handouts, petitions and visual aids. If you are new to the club, come and sit with another volunteer to introduce visitors to the Sierra Club. Volunteer for just a hour or so. But you may find yourself having too much fun to leave. Enjoy free lemonade and good company.

St. Louis Earth Day Festival is always a mix of education, fun, food and entertainment. This year we hear there will also be yoga classes and pet adoptions!

Yes it's a celebration with a serious side. We will be there to inform about our issues, to invite folks to take action or enjoy a hike. In today's political climate we need to inspire others to speak up, push back and invest in protecting our environment.

To volunteer at our information booth contact Paul Ohlendorf or to volunteer at our lemonade booth, contact Jim Young at . You may also call our office at 314-644-1011.