About Us

About Us

"Climb the mountains and nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine into trees, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves."

John Muir, Sierra Club founder, had a profound love for the natural world. He experienced peace in nature, but also witnessed injustices against it. Recognizing that the environment lacked its own voice, Muir spoke on its behalf. "The battle for conservation will go on endlessly," said Muir, "It is part of the universal warfare between right and wrong."

It is with Muir's spirit that Rhode Island Sierra Club volunteers lend their voices to the environment. By lending your own voice you can help combat climate change, advance the green economy, improve our transportation system, and encourage families to get outdoors.

Muir recognized that some would always seek profit at the expense of the environment. Still, nature can be protected when our voices are raised together. "Wrong cannot last," said Muir, "Soon or late it must fall, while some compensating good must surely follow."

The Rhode Island Chapter is governed by a seven member executive committee, selected by its members in annual elections. The executive committee is supported by the work of various subcommittees like its conservation, political, fundraising, and outings committees. You are invited to join in their good works.