ICYMI: Banning Helicopters, Trashing the Clean Water Act, Orcas Sinking Boats & Cities Sink Themselves

A weekly roundup for busy people

By Paul Rauber

Illustrations by Peter Arkle

May 26, 2023

The National Park Service seeks to ban air tours over Mount Rushmore National Memorial and Badlands National Park in South Dakota, and to limit them at Hawai'i Volcanoes and Haleakalã National Parks in Hawai'i.

New York representatives Dan Goldman and Jerry Nadler want to ban nonessential helicopter flights over Manhattan.

The US Supreme Court greatly limits the reach of the Clean Water Act, ruling that it does not apply to seasonal wetlands ands ephemeral streams. 

A new law in Montana forbids state regulators from taking climate impacts into account in their environmental reviews of large projects.

The Supreme Court also upholds California’s right to require that factory-farm pigs be treated humanely.

Orcas in Europe have sunk three boats off the coast of Spain, having taught each other how to attack and disable their rudders.

A pod of orcas attack and badly wound two adult gray whales in California’s Monterey Bay.

The Whale Carbon Plus Project seeks to monetize and create a carbon-credit market for whales, based on the value of their excrement in stimulating the growth of phytoplankton and for the amount of carbon they sequester—as much as 33 metric tons—when they die. 

Fish farm operators are deploying bottom-dwelling sea cucumbers to clean up the waste from their operations.

The temperature in Faya Largeau, Chad, hits 48°C (more than 118°F), the hottest ever recorded in the country.

As of May 23, the main reservoir serving Uruguay’s capital city of Montevideo (population 1,744,000) contained enough water for only 10 more days

Sweden seeks to electrify snowmobiles

France bans domestic flights between cities that are closer than a 2.5-hour train trip.

France also bans smoking in forests and woodlands during fire season.

Wildfires in abnormally hot and dry western Canada damage oil and gas drilling equipment.

Police in seven German states raid the radical climate activist group Last Generation, seizing funds and freezing its assets. 

The United Nations says that direct air capture—mechanically pulling carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere—is “technologically and economically unproven, especially at scale, and pose[s] unknown environmental and social risks.”

Based on current production methods and those likely in the near term, the environmental impact of lab-grown meat or “cultivated” meat is likely to be “orders of magnitude” higher than beef. 

The weight of New York City’s buildings is causing the city to sink. The same is happening in Jakarta, up to a foot a year in some places. Indonesia is building a new capital city, Nusantara, 800 miles away in Borneo.  

Grizzly bears from Yellowstone National Park have stopped expanding their range and may be retreating.