Loxahatchee Group Election Update 2021

By Ron Haines

The Executive Committee (ExCom) of the Loxahatchee Group has decided to conduct its annual election electronically in 2021. This will allow the group to use the precious financial resources it takes to mail a ballot to each member for purposes more in line with our mission.

The Group is governed by a nine-member ExCom, elected to staggered, two-year terms. An election is conducted during the fourth quarter of every year. All members are encouraged to consider offering their time and talents on the ExCom.

Here is the election schedule for 2021:

June ExCom Meeting
Chair announces that a Nominating Committee will be formed in July and seeks candidates from among ExCom members and other volunteers.

July ExCom Meeting
Chair announces the members of the Nominating Committee for approval by ExCom.
Chair announces that an Elections Committee will be formed in August and seeks candidates from among ExCom members and other volunteers.

Nominating Committee meets to discuss how many seats need filling, what incumbents will be running, plans for finding candidates, and other duties.
August ExCom Meeting or via email in early to mid-August
Nominating Committee presents a written progress report to ExCom and fields questions.
Chair announces members of the Elections Committee for ExCom approval.

Mid-August or Earlier
Election Committee meets to make plans for compiling and distributing ballot materials, including how to get ballot information to members who cannot be reached by email.

September 1
Deadline for anyone wanting to run as a petition candidate to submit their petition to the Nominating Committee.

September ExCom Meeting
Nominating Committee presents written report to ExCom announcing slate of candidates and any petition candidates and the candidate statements.
Election Committee presents a written progress report to ExCom and fields questions.

October 1
All ballot information and candidate statements from the Elections Committee sent to digital staff for ballot preparation by the Elections Committee.

November 1
Ballots are emailed. Postcards with ballot information to those members not reachable electronically are sent by the Elections Committee.

Midnight November 30
Close of election.

December 1
Voting results are tabulated by Elections Committee and all candidates and ExCom members are notified of the results.