July 2022 Political Committee Update

By Pat Edmonson


The 2022 Midterms Have Arrived!

The highly anticipated 2022 midterms are in full swing, and the Loxahatchee Group is fully engaged in seeking the most viable candidates to partner with from the State Legislature to the School Board.

Every House and Senate Seat is Up for Grabs

With direction from the state, we are focusing on District 87, Mike Caruso (R), who narrowly defeated Jim Bonfiglio by 32 votes in 2018, handily beat the opposition in 2020, and faces stiff opposition this year by Sienna Osta. Redistricting shifted the district, making it a little bluer. The other House race to watch is District 94. Rick Roth appeared to have a stranglehold on the district until redistricting added some blue to the red, making it competitive. The Democratic mayor of Oakland Park was challenging Roth, but the mayor failed to qualify. As of this date, Roth has not drawn another challenger.

County Commission District 6

This is an open seat with Melissa McKinlay ending her term as a County Commissioner. There are four candidates: Michelle McGovern (D), who is McKinlay's handpicked successor; Matt Wilhite (D), former Representative; and Sylvia Sharps (D), 20+ year community activist, 501(c)3 Executive Director, Ph.D., and Youth and Elder Counselor. They have one Republican challenger. Sharps, who goes by the nickname "The Peopletician," is the only Democrat who has not taken any special interest money. If one examines financial reports side-by-side, Wilhite and McGovern are dipping into the same predominantly Republican, heavily developer-dominated PACs. Interesting.

In Conclusion

We desperately in need interviewers. We need to evaluate each candidate for viability. Can they win? Do they have influence? Will they be allies? Are they someone with whom we can build a lasting relationship? If you would like to participate in shaping our government's future, please contact me at patedmonson080@gmail.com to get involved.