Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) Subteam

We created this site to share information about nutrient pollution and other conditions that promote harmful algal blooms and about strategies for addressing these problems.

We invite you to join our HAB Discussion Listserv for sharing information.  

To subscribe  click on this URL:  http://lists.sierraclub.org/SCRIPTS/WA.EXE?SUBED1=GN-HAB-SUBTEAM&A=1

Join the HABs Webinar on Rights of Nature: Saving Lake Erie with Sean Nestor!

Taking place May 8th at 8pm EST

Please join the Sierra Club Grassroots Network Toxics Team: Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) SubTeam as we welcome Sean Nestor who will speak about an attempt to secure for Lake Erie the Rights of Nature, a legal instrument that would have enabled Lake Erie to have inherent rights and legally the same protection as people and corporations; that Lake Erie have legal rights to exist, thrive and regenerate. Rights of Nature is a new approach to governance being explored by several nations which is designed to overcome the pitfalls of relying on regulatory bodies for environmental protection.

Register in advance here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrde6qrzMtGNZw3AZx8JnFw65FUCbKx2Sa#/registration


Rights of Nature: Saving Lake Erie