Young Hearts Out for Clean Energy

By Suzy Schlosberg, Chicago Youth Alliance for Climate Action 

On March 4, the frost of our Midwestern winters melted away for a beautiful spring day just in time for Clean Energy Lobby Day. Among the hundreds of attendees, who ranged from environmental groups to faith-based organizations to social justice organizations, many young people were leading the actions. 

From Whitney M. Young Magnet High School, we filled a bus of 55 students and traveled from Chicago to Springfield. From all around Illinois, other students gathered at the Capitol to show our support for the Clean Energy Jobs Act (CEJA). We met with State Representative Art Turner with State Senator Heather Steans, who has been an early supporter of CEJA. Senator Steans showed us the Senate chambers, explained the procedure of speaking and voting, and told us all why she is an advocate for CEJA, citing the need for urgent climate action. 

After our conversations with Senator Steans, we headed down towards the rotunda, where we awaited the start of the rally. There bill sponsors and young leaders from all around the state shared their reasons for supporting CEJA and demanding greater climate action.  

Youth leaders then gathered in front of Governor Pritzker’s office and chanted “People and Planet, Always Over Profit” and “CEJA,”  all while raising up a banner made from photos sent in by youth activists statewide. The Governor’s Office took the banner inside, and we celebrated a successful action. 

On our way out of the Capitol, everyone was in high spirits and sharing with each other their lobbying experiences. I felt like 55 new climate activists had been made that day. On the bus ride back to Whitney Young, we listened to music, watched movies, and debriefed the long day we had. 

With all the uncertainty surrounding us right now, it may be a while until we can all show our support in person again. But let’s all remind each other that we can keep sharing our support for CEJA and a better future Illinois digitally and with our stories.