Outings Team

Explore, enjoy, and protect the planet. This is the Sierra Club mission. What better way to do it than by discovering your local outdoors?

There are numerous natural areas to explore around Chicago. Come and join fellow Chicago Sierra Club members on one of our many outings. We enjoy hiking, bicycling, paddling, kayaking, bird-watching, and conservation-oriented activities in the natural areas around Chicago. Check the events calendar for upcoming outings!

The Outings Team is led by Cliff Zimmerman (clifford.zimmerman@gmail.com). Our other outings leaders are Christine Williamson (birdchris@aol.com) and Bob Brubaker (nlubob@yahoo.com).

Become an Outings Leader

We are always looking to train more outings leaders and assistant outings leaders. (Leaders must be Sierra Club members and at least 18 years of age.) Reach out to Cliff for a full description of the requirements and for help getting started on the path to becoming an outings leader. Then, you can gain experience by assisting on outings undertaken by the Chicago Group or the neighboring River Prairie Group.