
Rushing waterfall




Tunnel Hill Bike Ride, Sunday, June 9, 2024

Bob Mulcahy will lead a bike ride through the Tunnel Hill trail. Meet at the Tunnel Hill trail head in Vienna before 10 am. The ride will cover about 18 miles. Bring your own bike and water. You must call Bob Mulcahy at 618-942-6342 in order to go on this outing.

Please Note: No outings are scheduled for July or August given summer vacations, heat, and insects.


Browse the lower right Index on our old blog page for numerous southern Illinois hiking trail descriptions and explore some of these during your own time: http://shawneegroup.blogspot.com/. Check the Illinois Chapter listings for other outings across the region: https://www.sierraclub.org/illinois/events-calendar.




Service Outings – Help Save High Quality Natural Areas


Shawnee Group is committed to helping rid high-quality natural areas of non-native invasive plants (NNIS) that are threatening to crowd out our native plant communities at La-Rue Pine Hills Research Natural Area (Snake Road) and at Fern Rocks Nature Preserve (Trillium Trail) in Giant City State Park.

To volunteer, contact Barb at 618-549-9684, babitaji@aol.com or text 618-534-7440.




Other Outings:

Piasa Palisades Group Outings Chair: Carol Klinger, 618-288-5506, ciklinger@yahoo.com


Eastern Missouri Group Outings Chair: Doug Melville 636-288-1055, douglas.k.melville@gmail.com


See http://content.sierraclub.org/OUTINGS/local-outdoors and http://sierraclub.org/missouri/eastern-missouri/outings for more outings.

Bob Tyson, former Outings Chair for the Sierra Club, compiled a list of beautiful, scenic trails which are basically level and easy to walk. Open the .PDF files below for more information. We have printed a limited number of trail guides and distributed them to select locations in southern Illinois. Easy Trails for Seniors