From the Chair

by Earl Bradley


Because of delays incurred in the Sierra Club’s web site system, the Anne Arundel Group has encountered delays in getting its newsletter out but hopes to get back on schedule with this issue.

Nothing much has happened with the Group’s major developmental issue- the Crystal Spring proposed development in Annapolis.  The developer has moved the proposed development closer to Forest Drive above the stream running through the property, leaving a larger undisturbed forested area on the southern part of the property near the South River.  However, the proposed development still would involve significantly more development than that allowed by the city’s Comprehensive Plan and would make existing traffic problems much worse.  The developer has delayed formal submittal of is development plans to the city for months.

Progress has been made on the city’s Forest Conservation Ordinance with proposed amendments to the draft ordinance decided upon at a joint meeting of the City Council’s Environmental Matters, Economic Matters, and Rules Subcommittees.  A revised ordinance will be formally approved when the council returns from its summer vacation in September.  A detailed description of the final version of the ordinance will be included in the next newsletter.

As required by state law, the county submitted its Financial Assistance Plan (FAP), documenting the projects it is undertaking, or would be undertaking .in the future, to meet the objectives of its Watershed Restoration and Protection Plan and an adequate independent source of funding to pay for the projects.  Anne Arundel County has one of the best FAPs in the state.