Welcome to Growing Green!
Growing Green is a grassroots movement of Sierra Club Grand Rapids...
reaching out to our community and encouraging natural lawns and native gardens for our neighborhoods!
We are promoting safe and sustainable earth-friendly practices, that eliminate the use of synthetic fertilizers and toxic pesticides.
We advocate creating organic, biodiverse living green spaces that are healthy for people, pets, pollinators, and the planet.

There are 3 areas of concern in tackling lawn pollution problems:
1. Carbon emissions from gas powered lawn equipment:
This contributes to toxic greenhouse gases and to the heating of our planet, not to mention the cost of gas and the noise pollution! Preferred is a push mower, electric, battery powered or solar mower. Alternatively, have less grass & plant a native wildflower garden, a woodland garden, or a rain garden.
2. Synthetic fertilizers:
These contribute to nutrient run-off and also are derived from petrochemical resources. Preferred are organic fertilizers or natural compost teas that actually feed the soil's bioorganisms. Try a soil test to determine your lawn's nutrient needs and make soil amendments along with changing your methods.
3. Toxic pesticides (herbicides, insecticides, fungicides)
These poison our yards and are the cause of health problems (like cancer and ADHD) among people, (especially children), pets and wildlife, as well as contamination to our air, water, & earth. There are more natural product alternatives on the market that are much better and safer solutions to your pest problems.
To learn more about the dangers of lawn chemicals, how to protect pollinators, and how to turn your yard into a space that is healthy for people, pets, and the planet, navigate our menu tabs above!
Previous Events:
On May 13,2019 we had around 75 people from all over Grand Rapids attend Growing Green's Second Annual Organic Lawn Workshop! Our featured speaker, Steve Veldheer of Good Sweet Earth, shared how to have a healthy lawn without chemicals!