Excom experience

SierraScape October - November 2001
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A glance back at an ExCom experience

by Marsha Armentrout, Recording Secretary

"How would you like to be a candidate for the EMG Executive Committee?" the voice on the phone asked.

"You'e got to be kidding! I'm not qualified... my background is music, not conservation!" I replied. "NO WAY!!!"

Three years later, I have to say this has been a good experience. It hasn't always been a piece of cake, but through persistence, in my own way I have been able to contribute to the team.

And that is exactly what being a member of the ExCom is about: participating on a team that oversees the business end of the EMG.

Elections bring new members to the ExCom each year. While bylaws govern the committee, to some extent the focus varies from year to year because of the experiences and interests of individual members. With a club as diverse as the Sierra Club, this variety of backgrounds strengthens and balances the group.

Some look to the ExCom as leaders of the EMG. However, the truth is, while we provide some leadership, our main function is to provide a structure of organization and management combined with clear communication that encourages qualified volunteers throughout the club to contribute their energies in large and small ways.
Many leaders give countless hours of selfless service. Some have been volunteering with boundless energy for years; others on a short-term basis. Some are very visible while others remain relatively unseen.

Looking to the end of my term-and-a-half, I feel this experience has been my opportunity. Like most of us who love nature, my background skills and ideas did contribute to the ExCom teams.

While I have enjoyed dabbling in various club activities-squeezing lemons, hiking, taking photos-it has also been good to dabble in organization and management.
I recommend it to any caring member who wants a more expansive view of our organization as we continue to explore, protect and preserve the wild places of the earth.