Volunteer Opportunities

SierraScape October - November 2002
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Voter Education Campaign

Get involved in Sierra Club's Environmental Voter Education Campaign (EVEC). There is only one month remaining to help raise the profile of environmental issues in the 2002 Senate race. Distribute voter guides, tabling, letters to the editor, media events, etc.

Contact Melissa Blakley, EVEC Organizer at 314/646/7383, Melissa.blakley@sierraclub.org.

Global Warming & Energy Program

Get involved with the Global Warming & Energy Program. Help us build the success of the Clean-Energy Car Bazaar. Call Jill Miller, (314) 645-2032 or email jill.miller@sierraclub.org

Newsletter Mailing Party
Friday, Nov. 22

Sneak a peek at the December/January issue of SierraScape. We'll meet to prepare the newsletter for mailing. We'll order pizza and beverages and have a great time. 6 p.m. at the Sierra Club office, 7164 Manchester Ave. just west of McCausland. Please call Del Johnson at (314) 968-1246.

"Grab the Bag"

If you are tabling at an event, grab the green duffel bag full of merchandise at the Sierra Club office and do some quick and easy fund raising, too. For more information, call Gloria Broderick at (314) 741-4588.