The Sierra Club Outings program is being revived in Central Oregon!
We are looking for a cadre of fun-loving and reasonable folks to lead trips into the wilds of the mountains, sage covered hills, canyons, lava fields, lakes, and other important environments in our region and throughout Oregon.
To be a Sierra Club Trip Leader you need be a member of the Sierra Club, be certified in basic first aid and complete this free Outdoor Leadership Training course along with a first trip with other club leaders. We will help you gain the skills to take people into the wilds of Central Oregon.
Questions? Want more information?
Contact: Kelly Smith, Juniper Group Outings Chair,, 541-788-8828
Outings Information

Juniper Group Outings are for the enjoyment and enlightenment of all who care about nature, the environment, and the preservation of our natural resources. What you see often is not what you expected to see! And that may get you energized to help change what you see. But, whatever you see, you will meet others who are dedicated to Sierra Club values. Both members and non-members are welcome. Come join us! Please note the level of difficulty and choose outings that match your abilities.