
Candidates for the Otzinachson Group Executive Committee

You may vote for four (4) of the candidates listed below.

Dave Hafer is a founding member of the Otzinachson Group, started in 1981. He has held several positions on the Executive Committee. David is interested in hiking and, photography. He would like to see more support for solar and wind energy. He also sees sprawl as a problem, not only in urban areas, but also in our vicinity too.

Roy Fontaine, a former Chair of the Otzinachson Group, has been a member of the Sierra Club since 1973. Currently, he serves as treasurer, calendar sales coordinator and outings leader. He is hopeful that the outings program will enjoy a rebirth this spring as the covid epidemic wanes.

I have served as secretary on the Ex-Comm for at 6 years. i was also chair for one year. I've participated in numerous environmental demonstrations and marches--with Josh Fox on one march, for the past 20 years.Fracking in PA is a big concern of mine since my home is in the path of the several sites here in the state. So I have a very personal as well as a moral obligation to work for a green, clean environment. . I taught sociology on the college level for 48 years and have been a member of numerous sociological organizations. I'd like to have your vote to continue on Ex-Comm where. My attendance record at meetings is admirable, only missing one in the last 10 years or so.

I have been a member of the Otzinachson group Executive Committee for the last 10 years. The recent oil spill off the coast of California and the fracking pollution of Pennsylvania's forest, streams, and the Susquehanna are further evidence of the need to substantially reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. I also support the United Nation's proposal that we preserve 30% of the world's land and oceans by 2030.

A sociology major who specialized in human ecology (how populations interact with the environment), the built environment remains a life-long interest. My land is in conservation easements with the Linn Conservancy, the fields are in CREP, & I plan to build a hempcrete house. I am interested in land preservation issues, especially how prime ag soils and forests can mitigate the effects of CC and help communities be resilient.

Executive Committee Election Calendar

• November: Chapter produces eligible voter list and Chapter Admin creates online ballot. 

• December 1: Ballots sent to members. Voting begins by Sierra Club members. Voting begins by email ballot – for chapter and group elections. 

• Dec 1:  Latest that postcard ballot is sent to all PA members without emails – for chapter and group elections. The postcard sends people to the online ballot. Online ballot asks for Sierra Club ID, which ID will be on the postcard they receive.   

• December 31: Voting ends. This is the deadline by which ballots must be received.

• January 4: Ballots are compiled & counted by Chapter Election Committee, which then sends Group counts to Otzinachson Group Election Committee.  

• January 25: Otzinachson Group Election Committee notifies Candidates and Otzinachson EXCOM of result.  

Date: Jan. 25, 2022 

Time: 6:30 p.m.

Place: Otzinachson EXCOM ZOOM meeting. Please email gkendall@ptd.net to be added to ZOOM meeting.

(In years where paper Ballots/Petitions are used, they will be retained for next two EXCOM meetings, then destroyed.)