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Support Sierra Club's Work for the Environment in Southern Nevada

Donate to Southern Nevada Group Today


Donate online above using your credit card or PayPal.
You do not need a PayPal account to make a donation. Simply select the amount you would like to donate and click the Add to Cart button. A new PayPal window will appear. If you want to pay using a credit card, there will be three additional steps you have to complete.

Mail a check.
Payable to Sierra Club Southern Nevada Group
P.O. Box 231438
Las Vegas, NV  89105

The Southern Nevada Group is part of the Sierra Club’s network of more than 1,000,000 members and volunteers across the US. We advocate for environmentally-sound rules and the overturning of bad ones and we investigate and report about local events that don't necessarily become high-profile news. All the while, offering free outings to the public to explore the beauty of Las Vegas! Our volunteers and members are amazing - many of whom have been with us for more than 20 years!

Southern Nevada Group support the activities at the Chapter level, and we encourage you to financially support those efforts as well. However, our local group is also doing a lot of good work that we think deserves your support, including:

  • Our critical role in establishing Avi Kwa Ame as a new National Monument. This land connects California to New Mexico and is a vital corridor for wildlife. By designating it as a monument, not only will this land be managed by our government and tribes, it will also be protected from getting developed by urban sprawl. Your donations made this possible!
  • Our continued efforts to oppose Southern Nevada Economic Development And Conservation Act (SNEDCA) and curb urban sprawl in southern Nevada.
  • Our partnership with other environmental groups to fight for an equitable and sustainable allocation of the Colorado River.
  • The clean-ups we have partnered with other organizations to do at Coyote Springs, Walking Box Ranch, Frenchman Mountain, and other locations.
  • Our participation in the Southern Nevada political and regulatory processes to advocate for the consideration of environmental impacts in the decision making processes.

Donate to Southern Nevada Group Today


Donate online above using your credit card or PayPal.
You do not need a PayPal account to make a donation. Simply select the amount you would like to donate and click the Add to Cart button. A new PayPal window will appear. If you want to pay using a credit card, there will be three additional steps you have to complete.

Mail a check.
Payable to Sierra Club Southern Nevada Group
P.O. Box 231438
Las Vegas, NV  89105

We are a 501(c)4 organization meaning your donation will NOT be tax deductible. To make a tax deductible gift, reach out to Richa at

Thank you for your contribution!