Climate Crisis Watch

Every 1st Saturday, the public is invited to participate in Climate Crisis Watch at the HISTORIC ROANOKE CITY MARKET (map and directions) from 11:00 am to 12:00 (noon). The Roanoke Group  manages this public demonstration, launched in 2015 and modeled after Roanoke’s longstanding Plowshare Peace Vigil, which is every third Saturday, noon to one.

The Group brings signs and handouts. Individuals may bring their own signs, but no inflammatory or partisan messages or signs with sticks. 

Our City of Roanoke permit, which we must renew every 90 days, gives us access to the sidewalk, from the curb back, room for one row of people, without blocking crosswalks or visibility of traffic turning from side streets. At this time, I estimate the maximum number of participants that would fit to be 20.

Signs and handouts focus on climate change, causes and remedies. There is a central sign reading: CLIMATE CRISIS WATCH - SILENT 

 “SILENT” doesn’t mean we will not interact. It means that while in line, we are silent. When interaction is appropriate, someone will step out of line and go to a nearby spot where there is no obstruction to foot traffic. No conversations with someone standing in the street. “SILENT” informs the public that we will not engage in verbal exchanges and punctuates the gravity of our message. Chatter, chants and songs do not fit our model.

The long-term future of this event depends upon adhering to the guidelines described above. We must be ever mindful of where we are, The Historic City Market. 

Join us!

First-time participants please check in with Dan Crawford at least a day prior to the event. or 540-343-5080