Ten Ways to Share Non-Toxic Love this Valentine’s Day (and Everyday)

Here at Sierra Club, we want to share love for our many Valentines this year. Grassroots leaders advancing environmental justice in their communities. New members of Congress committing to act on climate change and advance a Green New Deal. Federal employees working to protect our health and environment-- even without pay during the shutdown. There’s so much to celebrate, even when it doesn’t feel like it.

We’re hopeful about the path forward-- a vision of a just, non-toxic world. It’s one where everyone breathes clean air, drinks clean water, has access to clean energy and holds the power to thrive.

But changing daily actions isn’t enough; the responsibility cannot fall solely on individuals. We need a government committed to justice and change, companies with a vision for equity and sustainability and empowerment from the ground-up. That’s why we’re challenging norms, pushing boundaries and joining a mission to advance gender equity and justice -- join us!

Here are ten ways to join our movement and spread non-toxic love this Valentine’s Day:

1. Share Your Love

Think of an awesome grassroots woman community organizer or justice advocate. Support, thank and send them a Pal-entine. Make your own here!

2. Support Reproductive Justice

It’s been two years since Trump expanded the Global Gag Rule which threatens access to health care around the world. The Sierra Club was one of 100 organizations to present a bold, proactive vision for lawmakers to deliver on sexual and reproductive health. Check out the Blueprint for Reproductive Health, Rights and Justice and amplify the mission!

3. Tell Amazon and eBay to Take Toxic Products Off-the-Market

Online giants are selling women skin care products with dangerous, illegal levels of mercury. None of the skin lighteners tested listed mercury on the label, so people have no idea that they are purchasing a harmful product. Learn more and get involved here.

4. Ensure EPA Works for People, not Polluters

The Trump Administration has nominated a coal lobbyist who says he won’t regulate toxic chemicals in drinking water to lead the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Thousands of faithful EPA employees work to protect our public health everyday and they need someone on their team. Show them our love and appreciation-- tell Congress to reject Andrew Wheeler as EPA administrator.

5. Get Connected

Sign up for the Gender Equity team’s newsletter about women, health and the environment!

6. Meet Women Working for Climate Justice in their Communities

Read Sierra Club’s Women on the Move report. In the face of constant climate-induced instability, women are not only on the frontline of impacts but also at the forefront of solutions. Read their stories.

7 Defeat Trump Toxic Nominees

Tell the Senate to oppose the nomination of Dow Chemical’s pesticide-pusher Scott Hutchins as Chief Scientist of the USDA. The last thing we need in our food, environment and loved ones is more pesticides! Take action here.

8. Save Our Oceans!

Tell Coke, Pepsi, and other major plastic consumers to get on board and help us ditch single- use plastics. Learn more here!

9. Protect Flowers, Butterflies and Pollinators!

Everyone loves flowers. But we need gardens that protect bees and other pollinators. Too many garden plants come pre-treated with insecticides-- an unnecessary use of toxic chemicals. Many retailers have pledged to stop this, but Ace Hardware is dragging their feet. Tell Ace to stop selling coated seeds and plants that kill bees. Take action now and tell your friends to visit sc.org/bees2ace to help!

10. Celebrate Galentine’s Day!

Treat yourself and your friends! Get your gals together to celebrate how much you love each other, take a fun class together, or grab a bite! Appreciate the friends you have near and send a little thoughtful something to a pal far away. No time to mail? Make a collage of your besties and thank them in your social feeds for being so amazing.

Are you in need of some you time? You can feel great about taking a night to celebrate being a good to yourself with simple things like cooking dinner and taking a bubble bath or just -- Whatever. You. Want. Prioritizing your wellness is something your friends can surely appreciate. We all need it in these times!