Thankful for Community Victories Like This One

As I imagine you're doing this week, I’ve been reflecting a lot on what I'm thankful for. Along with family and friends, what tops my list are the people across the U.S. who are ushering in the clean energy era, reducing pollution, and turning the corner on climate disruption. Some of them are featured in a new video we're releasing today and trust me, if you want to renew your hope for the planet and our future, you need to take two minutes and watch it right now. I promise, it will rock your world.

While we saw some of our climate champions defeated in the recent midterm elections, the story of the Beyond Coal campaign in North Omaha reminds me that there are millions of everyday climate champions among us who will keep winning victories under any conditions. This year, thanks to amazing community coalitions and activism built by local leaders and residents in North Omaha, the Omaha Public Power District approved a plan to retire its North Omaha coal plant and invest in more energy efficiency and local clean energy.

So this week we're releasing this short video, which is a great look back on how the community pulled together to fight pollution and grow the local clean energy economy. This story is a reminder that even facing an uphill battle, when a community comes together and forms strong relationships to call for a better future, amazing things can happen.

These phenomenal leaders give me hope that we can continue to turn the corner on climate disruption city by city, community by community. With 179 coal plants announced for retirement (one out of every three coal plants in the US), Americans are enjoying fewer heart attacks and asthma attacks, cleaner and water, and lower emissions of climate-disrupting carbon pollution. Climate action starts locally and delivers real improvements to people's lives - and that's what the 100+ organizations that are part of the Beyond Coal Campaign do best.

-- Mary Anne Hitt, director of the Sierra Club Beyond Coal campaign