Sierra Club Response to Trump’s FERC Nominees


Jonathon Berman, (202) 495-3033,

Washington, DC -- Late yesterday, Donald Trump announced two nominees for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Neil Chatterjee and Rob Powelson.

In the upcoming months, FERC is expected to consider a number of pipelines, LNG terminals, and proposals from electric grid operators to pay power plant owners more and increase costs to consumers.

In response, Sierra Club Global Climate Policy Director John Coequyt released the following statement:

​"Regardless of who serves as a FERC Commissioner, each must put the health and safety of the American public and our climate before corporate polluters’ profits. That means ending the status quo of rubber stamping nearly every proposed fossil fuel pipeline and terminal; protecting consumers by ensuring energy rates are just and reasonable; and continuing to enable states’ ability to lead on clean energy.

“For too long, FERC has merely served as a pit stop for the fossil fuel industry on its way to constructing dirty energy infrastructure, rather fulfilling their duty to adequately investigate the need for projects and the dangers they pose. This cannot continue. People and communities across the country have forcefully declared their opposition to fossil fuel projects while demanding fair energy prices and expanded clean, renewable energy. FERC must start doing it's job and put the people first."
