Sierra Club Statement on Auto Alliance Letter to Pruitt


Lauren Lantry (202) 548-6599

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Yesterday, the Auto Alliance, a trade association representing Ford, General Motors, DaimlerChrysler, Volkswagen AG, and eight other automakers sent a letter to Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt requesting the withdrawal of an Obama administration decision to lock in vehicle emission rules through 2025.

This letter follows an earlier letter sent by the Auto Alliance asking Trump to roll back the same standards.

Previously, in 2011, automakers agreed to the 2025 efficiency rules to boost fuel economy to a fleet average of more than 50 miles per gallon by 2025.


In response, Sierra Club Associate Director for Federal Advocacy Andrew Linhardt released the following statement:


"Auto manufacturers are  turning their back on the American people, attempting to backpedal on climate and consumer protections. This is a shift in the wrong direction from 2009, when automakers stood with President Obama and agreed that the fuel efficiency standards were realistic and achievable.

“The Environmental Protection Agency’s technical review of the current fuel economy standards shows that the standards are not only well within reach, but are already working. These standards are improving the fuel efficiency of vehicles across all classes, spurring innovation, cutting oil use, reducing emissions, and saving drivers money at the pump. For the sake of the health and safety of our climate and families, this new Administration should not reverse the progress that is already being achieved.”




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