Trump Gaslights While Gutting Bedrock Environmental Safeguards


Jonathon Berman, (202) 297-7533,

Washington, DC -- Today, on Earth Day, Donald Trump, the only world leader to deny climate change, released a statement claiming his administration is committed to protecting America’s clean air and water, running counter to the numerous actions he has taken in his short time in office.

In response, Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune released the following statement:

“Once again, Donald Trump is gaslighting America. He isn’t committed to protecting our clean air and water, he’s committed to the corporate polluters that fill his cabinet and campaign coffers.

“The American people aren’t fooled by Trump’s outrageous claims. That’s why tens of thousands are marching across the country in the name of science today, and more than 100,000 will descend on the streets of Washington next Saturday to speak out against this administration’s attacks on Americans, our communities, and our planet.”
