Trump Administration Uses California Wildfires as Excuse to Weaken Endangered Species Protections


Virginia Cramer,, 804-519-8449 

The Trump administration today ordered the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to prioritize water use in California for fire fighting. The move follows a tweet from Donald Trump blaming a lack of water for ongoing fires, despite repeated declarations from fire experts in the region that they have all the water needed to fight the blaze.

In response, Kirin Kennedy, associate legislative director for lands and wildlife issued the following statement.

“The Trump administration continues to exploit wildfires in California for political gain, with little consideration for the communities affected.  As locals and experts have pointed out, water is not the issue here -- climate change is. Yet instead of addressing or even acknowledging climate change’s role in exacerbating wildfires, the administration is using fire as cover to serve special interests. Moving to increase logging and weaken protections for endangered species like salmon risks local and outdoor economies and ignores the need to reduce climate pollution, which is absolutely essential to ensuring the long-term safety of our communities.”


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