McMorris-Rodgers Blatantly Lies about Trump’s Destruction of Environmental Protections

Trump is the most anti-environmental President of modern era.

Contact: Adam Beitman, 202-670-5585 or


Spokane, WA -- As reported by the Spokane Spokesman-Review, Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers told a shocked debate audience that the Trump administration was not in fact rolling back environmental protections.  

Trump’s attack on environmental safeguards has been catalogued extensively, including by the New York Times (76 Environmental Rules on the Way Out Under Trump) and Rolling Stone (Unraveling Trump’s Toxic Agenda: The administration is on an insane fossil-fuel bender — hastening catastrophic climate change and gambling with our health).

From the Spokesman-Review: “On the environment, McMorris Rodgers denied that the Trump administration was rolling back environmental regulations, earning cries of disbelief from an audience told to stifle its reactions. Instead, McMorris Rodgers criticized ‘bureaucrats’ in Washington, D.C., who she said thought they knew better than local residents. ‘It can be done locally. The Walla Walla way,’ she said.”

In Response, Sierra Club National Political Director Ariel Hayes Released The Following Statement

“Cathy McMorris-Rodgers is lying about the Trump administrations unrelenting and unprecedented assault on environmental and public health protections because Trump’s deeply unpopular actions are appalling to the people of Spokane and eastern Washington.

“Instead of holding the Trump administration accountable for gutting key clean air, clean water, and public lands safeguards, McMorris Rodgers turned a blind eye and enabled Trump and his corrupt cabinet members every step of the way. It’s time to replace Fossil Fool Cathy-McMorris Rodgers with a real champion for Washington state’s values: Lisa Brown.”

Earlier this month, the Sierra Club Political Committee highlighted McMorris Rodgers as a top Fossil Fool in Congress with a disastrous voting record against the environment. Indeed, her record is so awful that she had been considered for a top post in the Trump administration to enact the Trump anti-environment agenda.

Congresswoman McMorris Rodgers has an abysmal 3% environmental voting record according to the League of Conservation Voters Scorecard, and she voted with the environment 0% of the time last year. Since first running for Congress, she has taken $464,890 from oil and gas interests.



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