MD Sierra Club Comments on Delegate Mary Ann Lisanti’s Use of a Racial Slur


Josh Tulkin,, 650-722-3171

Annapolis, MD – Josh Tulkin, Director of the Sierra Club Maryland Chapter, released the following statement regarding the recent news of Delegate Mary Ann Lisanti’s (District 34A) use of a racial slur:

“Delegate Mary Ann Lisanti’s actions are inexcusable for anyone, let alone an elected official that represents our community. The people of Maryland trust our representatives to govern without racism and bigotry and are expected to serve all constituents. Delegate Lisanti’s use of a racial slur runs directly counter to that.”

“Not only is it critical to call out racist language because of the harm it causes to so many people, but also because of the impact institutionalized racism perpetuates within communities of color. Environmental degradation is often linked with economic and racial inequality, meaning low-income, and communities of color often shoulder the disproportionate effects of pollution and climate change.

“Our movement deserves leadership that represents the shared values of those affected by environment injustice. We will be meeting with our partners in the coming days to consider the best ways to move forward.”

About the Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with more than 3 million members and supporters. In addition to helping people from all backgrounds explore nature and our outdoor heritage, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit