Biden Demonstrates Leadership During Final Debate


Jonathon Berman,

Nashville, TN -- After refusing to participate in a virtual debate after he had contracted COVID-19, a diagnosis he had first concealed, Donald Trump showed-up to tonight’s final debate against former Vice President Joe Biden.

In response, Sierra Club National Political Director Ariel Hayes released the following statement:

“Donald Trump and his incessant and harmful rejection of climate science has reared its ugly head for the final time on the presidential debate stage. Throughout this year alone, Trump has told over 586 climate lies, put forward a Supreme Court nominee who refuses to accept climate science, and had his Administration loan the fossil fuel industry over $181 million of the taxpayer’s money. He has proven time and time again that he is a threat to our very existence and tonight was no different. On the contrary, former Vice President Joe Biden has never wasted the American people’s time debating the existence of an existential crisis that is ruining families and communities across the country. His climate plan is not only the boldest ever put forward by a presidential nominee, but it will also create more than 10 million jobs and further advance our transition onto a 100% clean energy economy.

“Come November 3rd, we can and we will make sure that this is the last time we are forced to listen to a climate-denying racist on the presidential debate stage.”


Paid for by Sierra Club Independent Action,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

About the Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with more than 3.5 million members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit