MS 126 gets plenty of apples and views in Hook Mountain

NYC ICO Trip Report

Agency: MS 126

Date: 10/23/2016

Destination: Dr. Davies’ Farm & HookMountainState Park

 Our group couldn’t have asked for better weather than the blue skies and crisp air that greeted us on the morning of Sunday, 10/23/2016 - and ask we did, as the previous day’s weather was horrendous indeed. In spite of the last-minute schedule change, we had a solid turnout of 20 students for our first trip of the year. After some quick introductions and re-connections after the summer hiatus, we were off for Dr. Davies’ Farm.

 By 10:45, our groups were outfitted with a large bag and were busying themselves among the apple trees. Our bags were filled to bursting within a quick 15 minutes, but there was still plenty to do. After we were finished picking and munching, we piled into the back of a wagon and meandered down to the pumpkin patch near De Forrest Lake. Some pumpkins were picked, others were re-arranged to spell out names and school initials. Lunch was had out on the open lawn. A football was magically produced, and some of our students started up an impromptu game of touch football while the others relaxed with cider donuts and hot dogs.

 With lunch out of the way, we struck off for HookMountainState Park and our afternoon thru-hike. We made the first ascent within the first 30 minutes, and pushed on for the greater views ahead. Groups rotated roles for lead and sweep, practicing trail routines for safety and leave-no-trace. Our hard work was well rewarded with amazing views of the Hudson River and surrounding valley, as we skirted within just a few dozen feet of the Palisades’ cliff edge. Cooling down at the end of the hike, we were surprised to explore some of the remaining ruins of the Knickerbocker Ice Company, and learned a bit about the ice trade along the Hudson during the early 20th century.

 As the apple bounty was divvyed up, students expended excess energy (amazing to see there was still plenty excess energy to be expended!) on the playground equipment alongside RocklandLake, before filing back onto the bus for our return to Manhattan. Yet another successful outing, getting youth excited to enjoy and explore their world!