TYWLS of the Bronx go on Bull Hill hike!

3/30/24: Bull Hill Hike with TYWLS of the Bronx.  As planned, we all met at 125th Metro-North Station at 9:30 AM on March 30, 2024. The six eager students, their teacher, two enthusiastic volunteers, a very dedicated Catrock youth leader and I were all ready and excited to embark on our journey. The train ride was very scenic and somewhat prepared us for our hike. After getting off at Cold Spring, we walked ~ one mile to get to the hike. We first started on the easy hiking trail (paved trail) and saw the sprawling ruins of Northgate, the Cornish Estate, from 1902-1915. Marianna, one of our enthusiastic volunteers, was the nature lover and she educated all of us on how to spot different trees such as tulip trees and  cherry trees from their trunk features. Afterwards, we started on really a challenging hike. All six students were somewhat novice to hiking but they pushed their limits and conquered the rugged terrain. As they ascended the steep slopes and navigated rocky paths, they got to test their physical endurance and mental resilience. Despite moments of fatigue and doubt, they kept going on, keeping themselves challenged with the promise of reaching the summit. Finally, as they stood atop Bull Hill, overlooking the breathtaking scenery below, they felt a sense of accomplishment and joy to soak in the view of Hudson river and the valleys. Despite being tired, weary, thoroughly exhausted on the way back on the train, these six students asked me, “Miss, when are we going again for the hike?”