Susquehanna Group

No to Nuclear Yes to proven renewables by Valdi Weiderpass


Meeting NY State’s ambitious climate targets under the CLCPA are a difficult but necessary task that is important because our state’s economy is the tenth largest in the world if it was ranked as a separate country.  What NY State does is important in inspiring other states and nations to do their part, as they see us doing our part to save a habitable climate. I encourage NYSERDA, DEC and PSC as well as other state agencies and officials to ignore the federal subsidies that are offered for nuclear energy, and instead listen to the Climate Action Council (CAC) and environmental organizations to follow and accelerate the path toward an electrified economy based on renewable energy that was laid out in the CAC’s Scoping Plan.  Nuclear power is risky, dangerous, very expensive, and too slow to implement to be a viable climate solution.

December Sierran is Here!

Check out our latest newsletter (and past ones too!).


Move Out Project

Did you know that the Susquehanna Group manages a volunteer project called the Move Out Project (MOP)? Every spring we collect thousands of unwanted items from college students moving out of town and redistribute those items back into the community! Check out the MOP website at .

Mop at Binghamton University Photo by Jonathan Cohen

Who Are We?

An Overview of the Susquehanna Group

Are you curious to know more about our group? What do we stand for and what have we done? This presentation was recently created for a Lyceum meeting.



Please join us at one of our outings, meetings, or events. Our monthly meetings are usually held on the Third Tuesday of the month—except July & August at 7:00 pm are usually at the Vestal Public Library, 320 Vestal Parkway East, Vestal, NY. Vestal Public Library, 320 Vestal Parkway East, Vestal, NY. Our meetings are now generally hybrid format of in-person with Zoom, or just via Zoom if inclement weather or speaker will not be in-person, for example. Details on how to attend each meeting are posted in advance. To get direct notification, sign up for our email list on the right side of this page.

We sponsor activities to inform Sierra Club members and the general public about local, regional, state, and national environmental issues.  The Susquehanna Group covers Broome, Chenango, Delaware, and Sullivan counties, as well as parts of Tioga and Otsego counties, in New York State.

Free and open to all.

For more information contact us at

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