Welcome to the Sierra Club, Broward County style...
Sierra Club is the most enduring and influential grassroots environmental organization in America. We know actions speak louder than words. With over 5,000 Broward County members and supporters, we’ve built a local community of volunteers, advocates, and grassroots activists who show up when and where it counts.
Our member volunteers have the tools and resources to make themselves heard in nearly every district in every state across the country. We work with other partner organizations, nonprofits, and campaigns to build a diverse, inclusive movement that represents today’s American public. We know that environmental issues can’t be separated from social justice—because we all breathe the same air and share the same land. This country belongs to all of us. Together we can help deepen the movement for a liveable planet, safe communities and a democracy that works for everyone.
Check out our Outings & Events Calendar for the latest excursions, get-togethers and presentations that might be of interest to you. We can't wait to see you there!
Broward Sierra Group Leadership Contacts
Executive Committee Members
Leah Weisburd, Chair - leabird@comcast.net
Elisa Jones - elisabrowardsierra@gmail.com
Pat Turpening - patsierraexcom@yahoo.com
Max Goldstein - maxgold@yahoo.com
Linda Thompson Gonzalez - lindatgonzalez@gmail.com
Jordan Holaday - jordansierraleader@gmail.com
Katarzyna "Katarina" Chmielewska - katarinachmielewska@yahoo.com
Leah Weisburd, Chair - leabird@comcast.net
Elisa Jones, Vice Chair - elisabrowardsierra@gmail.com
Pat Turpening, Secretary - patsierraexcom@yahoo.com
Max Goldstein, Treasurer - maxgold@yahoo.com
Junior Team
Anagha Iyer, Chair - pl222722@ahschool.com
Sylvia Meyer, Chair - quotay@gmail.com
Tiffany Grantham, Co-Chair - grantham.tiffany@gmail.com
Phil Busey, Member - philip@busey.org
Jordan Holaday, Chair - jordansierraleader@gmail.com
Adriene Barmann, Co-Chair - adrienesierraleader@gmail.com
Max Goldstein, Co-Chair - maxgold@yahoo.com
Alfredo Aguirre, Outings Leader - ironmanaguirre1@gmail.com
Linda Thompson Gonzalez, Member - lindatgonzalez@gmail.com
Susan Steinhauser, Member - browardsierrapc@gmail.com
Elisa Jones, Member - elisabrowardsierra@gmail.com
Leah Weisburd, Member - leabird@comcast.com
Sylvia Meyer, Member - quotay@gmail.com
Phil Busey, Co-Chair - philip@Busey.org
Max Goldstein, Co-Chair - maxgold@yahoo.com