
Vote Now

Each year members of the Sierra Club Suwannee-St. Johns (SSJ) Group have the opportunity to vote for members of the Executive Committee (ExCom). 



How Elections Work

Each year about half the Suwannee St. Johns Sierra Club Group Executive Committee (ExCom) reaches the end of their terms. Some decide not to run again, others do. The Group uses democracy to hold itself accountable to its membership, so we need good candidates to best represent our members’ interests.

All SSJ members are encouraged to suggest nominees to our Nominations Committee (NomCom). Please contact any ExCom leader if you would like to be a candidate or if you would like to nominate another willing member. 

The main requirements (other than being a current Sierra Club member) are a willingness to contribute in some substantial way to at least one project or team, attending the ExCom meetings each month, and providing leadership and direction for the Group.

After receiving nominations, (usual deadline is early September), the Nominations Committee considers and recommends candidates for the ballot. Any interested person who seeks nomination but is NOT nominated by the committee has the opportunity to get on the ballot by petition. See our bylaws for further details for how elections are conducted.

The ballot is published in the November issue of the SSJ Newsletter, which provides each candidate space on the ballot to advocate for their election.

The newly elected members serve a two-year term, beginning in December. There is a transition meeting between the old and the new ExCom that occurs sometime in December, after the election results are announced.

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