Need a Speaker?

Need a speaker for your community organization, church group, or professional gathering?

Sierra Club offers free presentations and discussions to acquaint groups with local environmental issues and their effects on our quality of life. Our hope is to inspire citizens to practice good conservation habits and to press our government officials to seek better solutions.

If you are involved in a club, church, home owners association, professional organization or any other type of group that might have concerns about environmental issues, then reach out to us to discuss your group's concerns, and then let's work together! (find contact info for Education Leaders)

Presentations Available

Solar: Unlimited Energy for the Sunshine State is a free, 30-minute, presenter-led PowerPoint program which explains that, just as we switched from horses to cars, telegrams to telephones, typewriters to computers, and postal mail to email, we must now commit to switch from dirty fuels to clean energy. Highlights of the program describe why you should choose solar power; types of solar systems and how they work; the relationship between solar power, health, climate change, jobs and your wallet; and specific examples of solar installations, cost-benefits and return-on-investment.

Water Works: Stand Up and Act Now is a free one hour interactive, presenter-led PowerPoint program which describes the water problems Florida faces in terms everyone can understand; what’s in it for you to care; and what specifically you can do about it in your community.