Inspiration arrives in our emails

Editor’s note: Our vice-chair Jim Hines wears many hats for the local, regional and national Sierra Club. He sends us emails often about the work he and other members are doing. Here’s a snapshot of a couple of dozen dispatches in the last few months that inspires us to battle against polluters and pettifoggers.

Stay-at-home orders don't stop me from protecting wildlife and wild places.

People often ask me why I do this, isn't it like pounding your head against a wall? Well first off, I have a very hard head, but my passion for being the voice for our voiceless wild places and wildlife drives me.

The Sierra Club has been a light of hope during this dark time.

WOW! What a week. I took part in 60 events this week and did not even leave my home. Speaking to groups, met with various elected officials, took part in meetings and spoke at public hearings all via conference calls, Zoom and Webinars.

After Gov. Newsom’s plan to order a 60% cross the board cuts to ALL state agencies and programs, I wanted to learn how that would affect CA Dept. of Natural Resources. First off, he ordered that ALL CA climate change programs and actions be halted immediately and funding those important programs would cease.

This morning I took part in a Zoom meeting with our good friend Congressman Adam Schiff to get an update on his Rim of the Valley Corridor Protection Act (affects Ventura and LA counties).  The act is awaiting a hearing and vote in the U.S. Senate, but it might not be heard during the quarantine.

The CA Coastal Commission said their meetings would be scaled back and coastal permit enforcement may cease until further notice; this would also apply to the Hollister Ranch Access program. Its grants to local areas have been halted.

Technology is great but I really, really miss meeting and speaking face to face with people.

I will talk with my activist team about massive budget cuts coming to local, state and federal governments.

Several of us in Ventura county have been speaking with county supervisor Linda Parks about including restrictions on pesticide spraying in the upcoming Ventura County Santa Monica Mtns Coastal Zone Amendment.

The Sierra Club has just launched a bold new goal to protect 30% more lands in America. Here is the link to our campaign video:

We are winning some victories; we are stalling off environmentally harmful projects and we are putting the pressure on those decision makers to act to protect our environment.

A contact I have in National Marine Sanctuaries sent me this Presidential order made by President Trump 3 years ago to remind me about its policies. It’s an America-First Offshore Energy Strategy, which is to allow oil drilling in all ocean areas beyond the 3-mile limit and may reduce sanctuaries. The Secretary of Commerce has allowed the oil industry to dictate the policy of sanctuaries. So Commerce will accept our comments and then bury them never to be heard from again.

Wilderness, wild and scenic rivers, wildlife corridors are on my list for calls with members of the House and Senate staffers this week.

We cannot sit idlily by with over 50 different environmental issues within the Los Padres Chapter region going on.

Now is my time to enjoy the great beauty of this weekend out in my garden. Please join me posting good nature phots on Facebook.

For the wild …

Jim Hines in DC

Los Padres Chapter Vice-Chair, Jim Hines, in Washington DC