
Attention all Sierra Club Southeast Michigan Group members.


Election results:

All five candidates running for the SEMG Executive Committee for the 2025-26 term listed below, have been elected. Thankyou voters for your participation in the election. 



As a dedicated environmental advocate and passionate supporter of the Sierra Club’s mission, I am running for a position on the ExCom Board to help strengthen our fight for climate action, conservation, and environmental justice.

We face an unprecedented time in our world as we surpass the point of no return to limit human impact on our environment. More, now than ever, we need strong organizations who can educate the populous and advocate for all of humanity. My goal is to ensure that the Sierra Club continues to be a driving force in protecting the planet for future generations. I’m looking forward to helping boost recruitment and become a positive addition to creating a healthier and more sustainable future.


Currently serving on the SEMG ex-com. also a member of the Chapter

Conservation Committee and a voting member on the Political Committee. 

I think I could bring experience and knowledge of a number of state and national issues that affect our region.  I am currently working on some energy and nuclear issues.


I am the volunteer chair of the Sierra Club Detroit Inspiring Connections Outdoors and a member of the SEMG Executive Committee. My vocation is connecting youth with the outdoors so that our future generations will have a strong relationship with the natural world. I appreciate the advocacy and activism of the Sierra Club and I am grateful to have the opportunity to be a part of this work.


Sierra Club

Member of the Sierra Club since 2005

Co-chair of the SEMG Executive Committee

Chair of SEMG’s annual Green Cruise bicycle ride

Has given over 220 environmental presentations

Initiator of the effort to designate Belle Isle a Dark Sky Park

Member, Citizen’s Advisory Committee to the RTA since 2014

City of Warren

2009 founding member, Environmental Advisory Committee.

Greenspace / Conservation Plan Committee

Active Mobility Plan Committee


Jane O'Neil has been a member of the Sierra Club since 2008 and has been working to make a contribution toward addressing climate change for many years. She has been a member of the SEMG Political Committee since 2017 and has served as chair for 2023 and 2024. She received a Sierra Club Service Award for her work with Turn Oakland County Green.

Currently O'Neil is a member of the Turn Oakland County Green steering committee which is promoting and demanding action by Oakland County to address climate change. The group has engineered the hiring of a Chief Sustainability Officer, put on an Earth Day event in Royal Oak which drew a thousand people, helped

promote the recently passed transit bill and pushed for a County Climate Action Plan and the passing of a budget for sustainability that includes three devoted staff.

At Birmingham Unitarian Church, O'Neil has chaired the church Environmental Action team since 2016. Current projects include installation of solar panels and expansion of native plantings on church property.

O'Neil is a member of CASE-OU, (Campus Alliance for Sustainability and the Environment) at Oakland University where she serves on the Steering Committee. CASE which interacts with the administration, faculty student body and community members on a variety of environmental issues such as preventing the destruction of an ecologically valuable marsh and resisting unnecessary new development on campus.