Coalition Letter on Proposed $32 Million Cut to Bus Transit, Walking, Biking

Coalition of 16 organizations who advocated for the historic 2023 Transportation Bill

On January 16, Governor Walz proposed cutting transit, walking and biking by $32 million annually.  This proposal would drastically undermine the promised expansion of bus service and Bus Rapid Transit throughout the metro area which was a centerpiece of the historic 2023 Transportation Bill. We call on the Minnesota Legislature to defend its 2023 victory and reject the Governor’s proposed roll back of the critical investments in public transit needed for equity and climate.

Letter to the Legislature from 16 organizations who advocated for the historic 2023 Transportation Bill

The Alliance
Amalgamated Transit Union
Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota
Center for Transportation & Environment
Communications Workers of America
Fresh Energy
Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate
Minnesota Environmental Partnership
Move Minnesota & Move Minnesota Action
Our Streets
Resilient Cities and Communities
Sierra Club
Sustain Saint Paul
TakeAction Minnesota

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