Advocating for Better LED Streetlights

LED light quality is vastly superior to the quality of light from our old sodium lamps (there is a lot of personal preference involved in streetlighting) and therein lies the problem.  Many cities tend to replace the old sodium lights with much brighter LEDs, and call it "green infrastructure" because LED luminaires are indeed far more energy efficient and longer lasting than sodium lamps.  There are lots of great LEDs on the market, far better than the ones KC proposes to use and more energy efficient, too.
Any claim to "green infrastructure" must also consider the impact of lighting on nocturnal species.  Who knew that the vision of nocturnal species, and even our own night time vision, is far more sensitive to light than diurnal species and human daytime vision?  The "deer in the headlights" White Tail Deer is actually blinded by the headlights and pre-programmed by evolution to freeze in place...
The human eye calibrates to the brightest point in the field of view, so with LEDs its almost like they try to overcompensate for blinding us with even brighter light, causing even further harm to nocturnal species and their evolutionary hunting and foraging patterns.  It's like a spiral science fiction world we don't want to live in.  If our species has learned anything from the pandemic, hopefully we are waking up to the fact that, what we do to the Earth, we do to ourselves.