2025 Chapter Elections
Our Chapter Executive Committee election is happening now! Our chapter is growing and moving to Justice, Inclusion, and Equity in all our environmental work. Everyone is welcome. Please vote. Starting December 26
2025 Chapter Election
Only Mother Lode Chapter members will be able to vote, You will need your membership number to vote.
Printable Ballots will be downloadable at the end of this page. If you have a joint membership and one voted online, the 2nd person will need to print the ballot to vote. Mail it to our office or email it to info@mlc.sierraclub.org
Want to learn more about becoming an Executive Member? Checkout our Recording Info Session for candidates:
2025 Chapter Election
The Sierra Club is a democratic, grassroots, volunteer-driven environmental advocacy organization. The Mother Lode Chapter, with more than 19,000 members, is a powerful voice for the environment in our region. Our unique national organization allows members to make the key decisions, and our continued success depends on the strength of our membership.
Candidate Statements:
Mother Lode Chapter:
Groups - 2025 Candidate Statements
Sierra Nevada Group
Sacramento Group
Tahoe Area Group
Yolano Group
Delta-Sierra Group
Placer Group
Mail-in your ballot: 1722 J Street, Suite 226, Sacramento 95811
If you want to mail in your ballot. Please print the ballot using the link below or send us an email to info@mlc.sierraclub.org requesting a physical ballot be mailed to you. Your membership # can be found on the election notification post-card that you'll receive in the mail or on your Sierra Magazine.
Voting Instructions:
Who is eligible to vote? All members of the Sierra Club who live in the chapter’s 24 counties, and who were registered as a member of record in the Club database as of November 5th, are eligible to vote. find your membership number on the Sierra Magazine you receive every month under your name.
Where do I get my ballot? In late November, members of the Sierra Club who are part of the Mother Lode Chapter will be emailed to every member for whom we have an email address on file. If we do not have your email we will mail a ballot to you. The link to cast your ballot is on the website election page.
You may choose to vote online or with the paper ballot. If we receive both electronic and paper ballots for the same membership number, only the electronic ballot will be counted. Instructions for correctly submitting your paper ballot are included with your physical ballot.
When can I vote? The Chapter election opens on December 1st. All ballots must be submitted by 2 pm on Friday, January 6th.
What am I voting for? Each member can vote for the Executive Committee leaders for the Mother Lode Chapter and the Executive Committee for their local group.
How do I find out what group I'm a member of? A map with approximate group boundaries can be found here. If you're still not sure what your group affiliation is, contact the Sierra Club membership office at (415)977-5653 or membership.services@sierraclub.org.
What is my membership number? You can find your eight-digit membership number on your membership card or also printed on the mailing label of your Sierra magazine — instructions for finding it are here. If you're still not sure what your member number is, contact the Sierra Club membership office at (415)977-5653 or membership.services@sierraclub.org.
What if I have a Joint membership? Both members in a Joint membership can vote, but both members must vote in the same medium (either paper or electronic ballot). If you need help finding out if you have a single or joint membership, contact the Sierra Club membership office at (415)977-5653 or membership.services@sierraclub.org.
If we don’t have an email for you… What counts as a “spoiled” ballot? Your ballot will be considered spoiled and will not be counted if:
- You vote in the incorrect Group Executive Committee election (see above for instructions on finding your group affiliation);
- You vote for more candidates than the maximum indicated on the ballot (the ballot will tell you how many candidates you can vote for in each case);
- Your (paper) ballot is illegible; or
- You have already cast your ballot (Only your most recent electronic ballot will be counted; If we receive both electronic and paper ballots for the same membership number, only the electronic ballot will be counted. For Joint membership voting rules, see above.)
What if I still have questions? If you have any questions, contact the Chapter office at (916)557-1100, or email the Elections Committee at info@mlc.sierraclub.org , subject: chapter election.
We always need help counting the ballots. To volunteer to help at the ballot-counting party at the Chapter office in Sacramento on Monday, January 9 from 9am - 1pm, email at info@mlc.sierraclub.org , subject: count ballots
What are Executive Committees?
Chapter and group Executive Committees represent Sierra Club members in deciding local conservation policy, endorsing political candidates, and administering programs and activities: essential functions that require a substantial, sustained commitment from our volunteer leadership.
Key responsibilities: Each Executive Committee member is expected to be actively involved in some aspect of the chapter or group’s work — from administration and conservation to fundraising. Executive Committee members at either level must attend regular meetings, determine Sierra Club positions on many critical environmental issues, and take an active part in making the chapter or group function well. A substantial time commitment between meetings is the norm. This is not an entry-level role; some knowledge of how the Sierra Club works is essential.
Chapter Executive Committee: The chapter-wide Executive Committee supervises essential functions from fundraising to conservation. It oversees a sizable annual budget and eight full- and part-time staff, as well as facilitating the work of hundreds of volunteers.
Group Executive Committees: Groups are the smallest geographic units of the Sierra Club, so group Executive Committees are important to making sure we keep an ear to the ground in our neighborhoods, parks, and streets.
Friday, November 29 - Date by when you need to be a member in Sierra Club database to vote in the election
2025 Chapter and Group Election Package - Open and make a copy to fill it out.
2025 Petition Candidate Package - Open > Copy and email it to:
Send to: info@mlc.sierraclub.org
Subject: Candidate Package - LAST NAME, First Name
Chapter Election Calendar
January 2025
Chapter Executive Committee meets and certifies election results at its January meeting.
*A member of the Sierra Club is eligible to vote whose membership is in good standing and is registered with the Sierra Club the chapter’s 24 Counties.*
Please check back here for updates.
Email Nominations and Elections Committee chair, Rob Burness at info@mlc.sierraclub.org , subject: chapter election.
Click Here to Vote Securely Online
Printable Ballots - Please right click on Ballot image that you want to print and save as pdf or image and you can print.
2025 Mother Lode Ballot