Outings and Events

Upcoming Events

Tahoe Sierra Club is pleased to present a series of gatherings featuring local experts on a range of topics of interest to residents of the Tahoe basin and the Truckee River watershed.  We will feature a mix of virtual and in-person events. Unless stated, events are free and will always be open to members and to the general public, by advance registration. If you'd like to present or have a topic of interest to the Tahoe Area Group, please send an email to our email at tahoegroupsierraclub@gmail.com

Getting the Lead out of Lake Tahoe (Co-hosted with the Lake Tahoe Historical Society)

August 13th, 2024 at 6:30 pm at Lakeview Commons (1004 Lakeview Ave, South Lake Tahoe, CA)
Extending eight miles between Baldwin Beach and Rubicon Bay, abandoned cables containing an estimated 139,000 pounds of lead parallel the Lake Tahoe shoreline. Come and learn from the organization "Tahoe Lead" about the community effort to remove these cables and the potential environmental risks of lead contamination. This event will be held at Lakeview Commons on August 13th at 6:30 pm and is co-hosted by the Lake Tahoe Historical Society as part of their summer speaker series. Pre-register at this link: https://act.sierraclub.org/events/details?formcampaignid=7013q0000029dnDAAQ

Great Sierra River Cleanup 

September 21st, 2024 at 9:00 am 12:00 pm at Sawmill Pond
The Great Sierra River Cleanup (GSRC) is a Sierra Nevada-wide watershed cleanup event coordinated by Sierra Nevada Alliance in collaboration with California’s Coastal Cleanup Day. Multiple organizations will be hosting sites throughout the region, including our site at Sawmill Pond. We will be having our cleanup on September 21st from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm at Sawmill Pond. We require volunteers to sign a waiver to participate and will have some physical copies day of. Please dress appropriately for the weather and wear closed-toed shoes. If you have any cleanup supplies, like gloves, please bring them. Pre-register at this link: https://act.sierraclub.org/events/details?formcampaignid=7013q0000029pAwAAI.  

Future of Electric Vehicles (EVs) 

September 24th, 2024 at 5:00 pm at South Tahoe Public Library
Most of us in are seeing the electric chargers in parking lots or more electric vehicles in the basin (or even our own public transportation being electric). Join us to learn more about EV basics and the future with them from Liberty Utilities! This event will be held at South Tahoe Public Library on September 24th at 5:30 pm and will include demoing of an EV being plugged up to the library’s charger and a Q&A about EVs. Pre-register at this link: https://act.sierraclub.org/events/details?formcampaignid=701Po00000IGwfBIAT

Previous Events

Guided Wildflower Walk with TINS (AT CAPACITY)

(Originally 7/18/24)
The Sierra Club Tahoe Area Group and Sierra State Parks Foundation hosted a Guided Wildflower Walk with the Tahoe Institute for Natural Sciences in Washoe Meadows State Park. Participants on this walk were led by Bob Sweatt who helped identify all the late blooming wildflowers that could be seen. Again, thank you to Sierra State Parks Foundation and the Tahoe Institute for Natural Sciences for partnering with us for this joint guided walk. Please visit our blog post to see more photos from the walk and the plant list.

Photos of participants and the blooming flowers seen on our July 18th wildflower walk with TINS.

Birds of Lake Tahoe Hike

(Originally 6/1/2024)
We had the pleasure to welcome and learn more about the birds we were hearing and seeing by local birding expert, Sheryl Ferguson. The group were able to see birds like the Pileated Woodpecker, Hermit Warbler, and more. You can catch some photos of these birds on Tim Parsons' Facebook page.

Red-breasted Sapsucker on a tree.
Wester Wood-Pewee resting on a branch.

Thank you to Sierra State Parks Foundation for co-hosting this event with us!

Washoe History and Culture

(Originally 5/23/2024)
We had the pleasure to welcome and learn more from Herman Fillmore, Cultural and Language Resources Director of the Washoe Tribe of NV and CA, who gave us the general overview of the Washoe people and their traditions within their homelands. He also informed us how the tribe is continuing to keep their traditions alive in the present. To get learn more, please visit their website which shares more information about the Washoe Tribe's history.

Urbanized Black Bears with Tahoe Toogee

(Originally presented 3/22/2024)
41 year long South Lake Tahoe resident and bear expert Tahoe Toogee presented on the urbanization of the black bear and the urbanized bear population of South Lake Tahoe at the Lake Tahoe Community College Aspen and Board Room on March 22nd. Toogee educated those in attendance on how the bear population in South Lake Tahoe are becoming more accustomed to the increase of people in the Tahoe basin. He also showed videos from his wildlife cameras and some behind the scenes photos of when he helped professional photographer Corey Arnold for his article about wild animals adapting to city life which is in the July issue of National Geographic. To get more information to learn how to live with black bears responsibly, visit the Bear Wise website and tahoebears.org website.

Environmental History of Lake Tahoe with David Antonucci 

(Originally presented 2/27/2024)
Local author David Antonucci spoke to the Tahoe Area Sierra Club and Friends of the Library about the environmental history of Lake Tahoe  on February 27th. This presentation is based on Antonucci's book of the same title highlighting the 170+ years of Euro-American occupation of the Lake Tahoe Basin and sequential cultural eras that left Tahoe impacted. 

Great Sierra River Cleanup

(Originally presented 9/23/2023)
The Great Sierra River Cleanup (GSRC) is a Sierra Nevada-wide watershed cleanup event coordinated by Sierra Nevada Alliance in collaboration with California’s Coastal Cleanup Day. Multiple organizations hosted sites throughout the region, including our site at Pope Beach, sponsored by Sierra Club Tahoe Area Group and Sierra Nevada Alliance. GSRC is one of many California Coastal Cleanup Day events. Previously hosted by the Sierra Nevada Conservancy, the Sierra Nevada Alliance is very excited to take the reigns as the GSRC coordinator, and to continue the statewide effort to reduce plastic pollution and litter in and around our Sierra waterways. 

Adventures in Limnology with Dr. Goldman

(Originally presented 9/20/2023)
Renowned Tahoe environmental scientist Dr. Charles Goldman will speak at a Sierra Club event on the evening of Wednesday, September 20th at Lake Tahoe Community College. In his Adventures in Limnology talk, Dr. Goldman will entertain us with his global adventures as a scientist - all in the cause of protecting Lake Tahoe and other precious natural resources. 

Outing! Hike Waddle Ranch and Get a Drink

(Originally done on 8/26/2023)
This Moderate rated 6 mile hike offers views of various trees and an opportunity to spot wildlife, including Bald eagles. Your friendly dogs are welcome on a leash! At the end of the hike, shared more about our trail development and trails advocacy work, and provide some opportunities to get involved with a Trail Maintenance Day and other volunteer activities. 

Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care Animal Education

(Originally presented 7/22/2023)
For the second year, the Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care hosted us for a wonderful evening. We learned more about the history of LTWC including what they do and an overview of some of the animals they rehabilitate. We also had the chance to meet some of the ambassador animals including Porky the Porcupine! 

One of the many ambassador birds the Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care has.

Washoe Meadows State Park Cleanup

(Originally presented 8/02/2022)
Sierra Nevada Alliance, Sierra State Parks Foundation, and Sierra Club Tahoe Area Group teamed up to collect 105 pounds of trash at Washoe Meadows State Park on Tuesday, August 2.   We couldn't have done it without our intrepid volunteers!

Guided Wildflower Hike in Washoe Meadows State Park

(Originally presented 5/21/2022)
Sierra Club Tahoe Area Group joined the Sierra State Parks Foundation for a wildflower walk in Washoe Meadows State Park on May 21st. Lisa Berry, local wildflower aficionado and guide, led a short hike to the main meadow and the fen to see the Star Lily, Round-leaved Sundew, and other seasonal wildflowers. 

Thank you to the Sierra State Parks Foundation for organizing this event.


The TAG Outings program has led hikes to Vikingsholm, Eagle Falls, and along the north shore of Emerald Bay.  Previous outings also include Twin Peaks from Ward Creek to enjoy 360 degree views of Lake Tahoe, Granite Chief Wilderness, and Desolation Wilderness; Snow Valley Peak in the Carson Range; and Mt. Tallac.

Watch this page for future listings and signup instructions.  

We're in need of outing leaders!  If you're an qualified Sierra Club leader, or would like to learn how to become one, please contacts our Executive Committee at tahoegroupsierraclub@gmail.com.


The Mother Lode and the Toiyabe chapters of the Sierra Club also schedule outings.  The Sacramento Group of the Mother Lode Chaper shcedules their hikes on meetup.com, please visit their page here.  The Great Basin Group of the Toiyabe Chapter, headquartered in Reno, also has a schedule of hikes on meetup.com, please visit their page here. 

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