The New Hampshire Chapter of the Sierra Club is the ONLY environmental organization that endorses state candidates on their environmental merits for state office races in New Hampshire. We are proud to represent the environmental conscience of the voters of New Hampshire. We take this responsibility seriously by reviewing the voting record of incumbent elected officials and candidates, if they have one, as well as requesting interviews, and with an environmental policy questionnaire. We follow a strict nationally compliant process to preserve the integrity of the policies we promote and the people we represent. There are numerous additional benefits of our endorsement as well, including creating media opportunities for the endorsed candidates, social media announcements, inclusion in a state-wide mailing to our members, and other support.
We welcome your engagement with the Sierra Club. Please send us an email at nhsc603@gmail.com. Please make a donation at this link - sc.org/NHAction.
September 30, 2024
NH Sierra Club Endorses Joyce Craig for NH Governor
102 State Candidates on the List of NH Environmental Champions
CONCORD, NH—Today, the New Hampshire Chapter of the Sierra Club has released its list of carefully selected endorsed candidates for Governor, Executive Council, State Senate, and State House of Representatives. Of the endorsed candidates, each has expressed concern for the New Hampshire environment, support for action on climate solutions that benefits all residents, and progress to lower pollution thus protecting public health.
“The NH Environmental Champions are the frontline leaders and advocates in the State House promoting our shared values. Our endorsed candidates agree critical issues – like lowering volatile energy bills and protecting our precious lakes, rivers and beaches from the scourge of cyanobacteria caused by the lack of sewer infrastructure and failed septic systems – must be addressed by the next legislature and governor,” said Jerry Curran, the Political Committee Chair for the New Hampshire Sierra Club.
“The NH Chapter endorses Joyce Craig for governor because she has a detailed plan to protect just and reasonable rates for energy ratepayers with transparent planning and to increase meaningful options to lower demand and expand energy diversity. Further, Craig has a refreshingly collaborative approach to invest in city and town public water and sewer systems which is critical to lower toxic cyanobacteria blooms, and other dangerous chemicals, in the celebrated water bodies and beaches across the state.”

See Press Release Below
2024-nhsc-endorsement-pr.pdf220.49 KBFull video of Press Conference
The Chapter has a Political Action Committee to support the political and electioneering activities for the endorsed candidates. Donations to the political action committee are reported in accordance to the New Hampshire state law and are not tax deductible. The funds are used for mailings, media ads, outreach to the public, and direct donations to candidates.
We need leaders in the State House and in Congress who will put us on the path to 100% Clean Energy; leaders who will not waiver to polluters, convenience, or self-promotion. We need to adopt common-sense solutions now for everyone to have access to clean energy, healthy air, safe drinking water and a livable planet. We cannot not continue to postpone these goals in New Hampshire.
After a careful questioning and review process, the Environmental and Climate Champion candidates have earned an endorsement from the Sierra Club. The chapter political and executive committees are confident that the endorsed candidates are committed to a healthy and sustainable environment. We encourage you to vote for these candidates.
New Hampshire Sierra Club Proudly Announces
the First Endorsement of 2024 REBECCA MCWILLIAMS
For State Senate District 15
Bow, Concord, and Hopkinton
August 13, 2024
CONCORD, NH: Today, the New Hampshire Chapter of Sierra Club announced its endorsement of Rebecca McWilliams of Concord in the State Senate District 15 primary election. State Senate District 15 includes the towns of Bow, Concord, and Hopkinton. LEARN MORE ABOUT REBECCA HERE!
“We are pleased to announce today that the Sierra Club officially endorses Rebecca McWilliams for election to New Hampshire’s State Senate District 15,” said Laura Magzis, NH Sierra Club Political Team Member. “We are confident that she will continue work to protect New Hampshire families’ health, air and water, and build a clean energy economy that will lower energy bills, create new jobs, improve public health, and expand clean energy options for all Granite Staters.”
See Entire Press Release Below
2024-mcwilliams-endorsement-chapter-press-release-google-docs.pdf89.29 KB