We are 100% volunteer run!
Philly Inspiring Connections Outdoors is a Sierra Club program that is completely run by volunteers. We welcome new volunteers to the Philly ICO group and there are many ways to become involved as a Philly ICO volunteer. To start, potential volunteers first attend an orientation and then go on trips with the kids under the leadership of a more experienced Philly ICO volunteer who is a Certified Outdoor Leader. Volunteers with a little experience can become Certified Leaders In Training (or Assistant Leaders). And, since we are expanding the number of organizations we work with, we need more Certified Leaders. There's lots to do and lots of fun to be had doing it. And be assured that whatever you give will be returned to you many times in satisfaction and good memories.
Steps to becoming a Philly ICO volunteer
● Attend a new volunteer orientation. See the Events page for the next ICO meeting or email phillyICO@gmail.com.
● Complete the volunteer application (below), email completed application to phillyico@gmail.com
● Complete the ICO Code of Ethics (Code of Ethics to be signed at New Volunteer Orientation)
● Complete a background check (this will be initiated by PhillyICO after receiving your application and your agreement to the code of ethics).
volunteer-application.docx35.97 KBcode-of-ethics.doc25.5 KB
Steps to become an Adult ICO Certified Leader:
Must be 18 years of age or older
Attend our New Volunteer Orientation, held several times a year (email phillyICO@gmail.com for details)
Complete New Volunteer Application and Code of Ethics (available through the link above and at the New Volunteer Orientation session, respectively)
Maintain current Sierra Club membership (join here)
Complete a background check
Basic first aid certification. Wilderness First Aid certification is ideal but not required.
Attend our Outdoor Leadership Training
Shadowing one of our certified leaders on at least 2 trips to get a feel for our pre-trip planning, trip announcements, forms, procedures, and expense reporting process, provisionally leading one trip
Receive the blessing of the Chair!
Steps to become a Youth ICO Certified Leader
Must be age 14 to 17
Has met all the standard requirements for Adult Certified Leader (not required to be a Sierra Club member)
Has previous experience with trips and included activities
Must be accompanied by at least one certified adult outings leader on every outing