January 2024 Outings

January 14
SUMMERLAND WALK: Join us for a 3.5 mrt walk through the back hills of Summerland. We’ll use little used paths, starting at the Summerland Greenwell Preserve, to walk the trails above Summerland, returning on the back streets of the town. Easy, but lots of hills. Meet at 9am at the Greenwell Preserve parking lot in Summerland, located at the intersection of Greenwell Ave and Asegra Rd. Bring water and a light snack. Email me for directions if you are unsure of the location. GERRY, gching@cox.net

January 27
EAST COLDSPRINGS TRAIL TO EAST CAMINO CIELO: Very strenuous 9mi out and back, 2675’ elevation gain. Optional summit to Montecito Peak. Bring lunch and 3 liters water. Group size limit 8. Meet at the Cold Spring Trailhead at 8am. Limited parking, carpooling encouraged. Leader: DALE PARKS (SB)

January 31
GRANT PARK TO THE PIER: Let's have a before the rain work out. Meet at 9am in the Vons shopping center on Main Street for a climb to the cross. We'll check out the Botanical Garden before heading down to the pier and Promonade. Distance about 5.5 miles with 650 elevation gain. MAUREEN (Ventura)