Environmental Justice in Corpus Christi

To all Sierra Club members and supporters:
I am seeking public donations of any size to the Environmental Justice Housing Fund (EJHF), which was set up in 2014 to buy out residents of the Dona Park neighborhood (nestled among the refineries known collectively as Refinery Row, north of I37 in Corpus Christi). The EJHF Board imposed deed restrictions to keep the properties from being used for heavy industry or as residences, but is open to certain types of 'light industry' uses such as an office building, a parking lot, etc. Ideally, the properties would be turned into green spaces as a buffer against the refineries' air and ground water pollution. The Board continues to search for an entity willing to purchase the properties under these restrictions.  Currently, the EJHF Board owns 16 properties in Dona Park.

The EJHF Board welcomes additional contributions to this fund to cover ongoing costs of maintenance and property taxes as we seek a potential buyer for these properties.  We would greatly appreciate donations any amount to the housing fund. Interested parties can can make out a check to Environmental Justice Housing Fund and mail it to this address: 3501 Monterrey St., Corpus Christi, TX  78411. Thanks for your interest in this.

Jim Klein
Vice Chair, Coastal Bend Sierra Club
Treasurer, EJHF