Bayou Banner August 2018

The Bayou Banner

August 2018 Edition

August 9, 2018 — Sweat Equity for the Environment — Your Houston Sierra Club in Action

Our August 9th meeting will be devoted to the hands-on work that local Sierra Club people have spearheaded to protect and restore the beautiful wildlands we all enjoy. All of these projects are organized and powered by volunteers over multiple years, although they are only a sample of local efforts.
The event is free and open to the public at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 1805 West Alabama, Houston. Main program starts 7:30 PM. Doors open 7:00 PM.

August 15 Bay Area Sierra Club Meeting: Film screening of A Plastic Ocean 

A Plastic Ocean begins when journalist Craig Leeson, searching for the elusive blue whale, discovers plastic waste in what should be pristine ocean. In this adventure documentary, Craig teams up with free diver Tanya Streeter and an international team of scientists and researchers.
Go here for more information.

Bond Election

Since its founding in the late 1960’s, the Houston Sierra Club and its more than 5,000 members have been interested in and advocated for flood management that not only “Keeps people out of harm’s way” but also “Works with and not against Nature”.
Go here for more information.

Public Transit

Houston METRO, our local transit agency, is currently working on a new draft plan to determine future projects. Compared to other major urban areas, Houston has inadequate public transit infrastructure, and a huge limiting factor on future transit improvements will be funding. Nearly all state governments in the U.S. contribute directly to help fund their own state’s urban transit needs. But two states do not: Texas and Ohio.
Go here for more information.

Air Pollution Suit

The Sierra Club and Environment Texas announced on July 26 that they have filed a proposed consent decree in federal court to settle their citizen enforcement lawsuit against Pasadena Refining System, Inc. PRSI is owned by Petrobras (Petróleo Brasileiro S.A.), the state-controlled oil company of Brazil.
Go here for more information.

Texas Turtles

In 2007, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission took the important and necessary step to prohibit the commercial collection of all freshwater turtles in Texas EXCEPT for four species. With your help, we can now protect these four species of native Texas turtles.
Go here for more information.

Climate Change

You are invited to the Climate Change Town Hall (August 18th, 2 PM - 4 PM) to learn from the Houston Climate Movement and experts from the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) about how climate change is and will continue to impact Houstonians. UCS will discuss a recent report on flooding, climate change, and property values. Learn the facts. And be part of the solution.
Go here for more information.

Park Picnic

By Anna Paradise
On July 21st, a blazing hot, sticky day to be outside, high school students from throughout the Woodlands area came together at Rob Fleming Park to raise awareness for climate change.
Several young and motivated speakers stressed the increasing problem of climate change and how it will affect all inhabitants of the globe in the future.
Go here for more information.

Forest Service Plan

The U.S. Forest Service (FS) has halted all work on the National Forests and Grasslands in Texas (NFGT) Forest Plan revision. The revision process, which takes 3 to 4 years, will “pause” for an unknown time period. It is thought that the “halt” could be as long as two to four years.
Go here for more information.

Wildlife Habitat

Recently, the U.S. Forest Service (FS) had a 30-day public comment period for the proposed Montgomery County Wildlife Habitat Improvement Project (MCWHIP) for Sam Houston National Forest (SHNF). This project would occur on 2,786 acres in Compartments 31-33 (an area of forest about 1,000 acres or more managed as a unit) in western SHNF near the shoreline of upper Lake Conroe.
Go here for more information.


By Cheryl Conley, TWRC Wildlife Center
Living just a few miles north of Houston, it’s not uncommon for me to hear coyotes howling at night. I get a little nervous when I hear them because they have been known to attack domestic animals. I saw on the news a few weeks ago where a coyote jumped a fence in broad daylight and attacked a small dog.
Go here for more information.

Pine Beetles

Southern Pine Beetles (SPBs) are predators of pine trees (Longleaf, Loblolly, and Shortleaf) in East Texas. In the National Forests and Grasslands in Texas (NFGT) and on private lands, landowners often control SPBs after they have attacked pine trees. Areas where these attacks occur are called “spots”. The last significant SPB predation in the NFGT occurred in 1991-1994.
Go here for more information.

Nature Blogs

Sometimes there are days during a Houston summer when it is just too hot to get outside and explore. This can be a good time to catch up on reading, or nature study online. Fortunately we are getting more nature blogs in the area that document and describe some of the flora and fauna encountered in our own parks and neighborhoods. Here is a sampling.
Go here for more information.

Turtle Bayou

Get Outdoors! 

For current information on upcoming outings in the Houston area, check out our MeetUp site.