City of Houston Climate Action Plan

In the Houston area, three 500-year floods happened within three years, with Hurricane Harvey dropping the largest amount of rain in North American history. Planning to adapt and be more resilient to a changing climate is an important goal for the city.

To accomplish this, the City of Houston is developing a Climate Action Plan to plan strategies to minimize our carbon footprint. In particular, transportation emissions caused Houston to have one of the highest per capita greenhouse emissions in the nation.

During 2019, several community meetings will address the details of this plan, and engage Houstonians to learn about the plan and provide input. From February 26 to March 28, District Community Meetings will be held in 11 locations around the city. From March 19 to May 2, Climate Action Plan Community Meetings will be held in various locations. For more information see:

For additional information about the Climate Action Plan, see